Looking for Signs of Recognition – Donate a Post by Meagan at 80/20 Mom

I’ve been really bad at posting lately. I’m finishing up a course on editing, so have been dedicating my free time to that rather than writing. I’ll be back again soon, but I wanted to share a post that I contributed to the blog I Am the Milk. It was a submission as part of their series on infertility and miscarriage where I share the story of my ectopic pregnancy. Please head over to that blog and check it out, along with all of the other amazing posts!






Today I’m featuring Meagan’s story about her ectopic pregnancy and I struggle with a proper introduction. Meagan’s story has a wonderful, happy ending or perhaps I should say a happy last chapter, but my heart aches so much for Meagan who was going through the ectopic pregnancy and for Meagan’s baby.

I constantly learn new things through this series about the complex emotional world of those who experience loss but I also find something that I can identify with in each and every post, despite the difference in experiences. Whether you’ve experienced loss through a miscarriage, an ectopic pregnancy or infant loss and you went on to try again an ultrasound appointment would always be a nerve wrecking experience and the technician’s face, your only clue, the only map to guide you.



I looked down at the two lines on the pregnancy test in my…

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3 thoughts on “Looking for Signs of Recognition – Donate a Post by Meagan at 80/20 Mom

    • Thank you so much for inviting me and for providing a forum for people to share their stories. One of the things that I realized after I went through my loss is that so many women have had similar experiences, but no one talks about it. I’m glad that you’re encouraging people to speak up so that we know that we’re not alone.

      • You are so right, no we don’t talk about it. We probably worry about making other people feel awkward and uncomfortable. I think it’s wonderful we can openly discuss these thing in online communities. Wish I realized that back when I was going through this, although it may have been too raw.

Tell me what you think!